No class today. Maybe Zoom Yoga next week.
Hi, yogis!
I’ve been exposed to COVID (my wife has had symptoms since sometime Tuesday). She just tested positive on an at-home test.
So no class today.
If I don’t get sick, I’ll do Zoom classes next week. But we definitely won’t be in-person next week, since I’ll be constantly re-exposed for a bit.
For those of you who attended class on the 21st, you could have been exposed through me if I’ve been walking around asymptomatic. There’s a lot of unknowns. Even if I take the at-home test right now, false negatives are frequent. What we know for sure is that I was exposed in time to have exposed you *if* it was transmitted to me.
I apologize for having to cancel two Thursdays in a row on the day-of. I try to avoid that, but things happen. I’ll let you know about Zoom. Reservations aren’t needed for my Zoom classes, so I’ve already disabled reservations for next week.
p.s. currently my only symptom is that I have a new headache. As demonstrated this past week, I have a variety of headaches on an intermittent schedule, so this one isn’t evidential.